Problem instances

The 2 differentiation problem instances shown here come from a more complete set of benchmarks. One is for single faults; the other, for double faults. Both recur to the c1355 ISCAS‘85 circuit. Circuit description (taken from ) can be seen here.

The 2 benchmarks are labelled b1355_a_1b (single faults) and b1355_a_2 (double faults). Each consists of a set of diagnoses to differentiate. To make testing more exhaustive, and since there is no ‘real’ circuit with a real fault, the goal is to partition such set into sets of equivalence classes of diagnoses (since some diagnoses may be indistinguishable) by means of pair-wise differentiations. Notice that diagnoses of double faults are not necessarily more difficult to differentiate than single faults. The sets of diagnoses for the 2 benchmarks are shown below, together with the respective result of equivalence classes.

Diagnoses and respective Classes

Benchmark b1355_a_2

5 Diagnoses [‘1081gat’/1], [‘1177gat’/0], [‘1258gat’/1], [‘1307gat’/0], [‘1339gat’/0]
3 Classes [[1258gat/1]], [[1339gat/0],[1307gat/0],[1177gat/0]], [[1081gat/1]]

Benchmark b1355_a_2

36 Diagnoses [‘1039gat’/1,‘1051gat’/1],[‘1039gat’/1,‘1147gat’/0],[‘1039gat’/1,‘1238gat’/1],[‘1039gat’/1,‘1297gat’/0],[‘1039gat’/1,‘1329gat’/0],[‘1051gat’/1,‘1230gat’/0],[‘1051gat’/1,‘1231gat’/0],
12 Classes [[8gat/1,36gat/0]], [[8gat/1,1238gat/1]], [[8gat/1,1329gat/0],[8gat/1,1297gat/0],[8gat/1,1147gat/0]], [[8gat/1,1051gat/1]], [[36gat/0,1325gat/1],[36gat/0,1293gat/1],
[36gat/0,1231gat/0],[36gat/0,1230gat/0]], [[36gat/0,1039gat/1]], [[1238gat/1,1325gat/1],[1238gat/1,1293gat/1],[1231gat/0,1238gat/1],[1230gat/0,1238gat/1]],
[1230gat/0,1297gat/0],[1147gat/0,1325gat/1],[1147gat/0,1293gat/1],[1147gat/0,1231gat/0],[1147gat/0,1230gat/0]], [[1051gat/1,1325gat/1],[1051gat/1,1293gat/1],
[1051gat/1,1231gat/0],[1051gat/1,1230gat/0]], [[1039gat/1,1238gat/1]], [[1039gat/1,1329gat/0],[1039gat/1,1297gat/0],[1039gat/1,1147gat/0]], [[1039gat/1,1051gat/1]]
File Type Notes
c1355.txt txt