language ESSENCE' 1.0

$ ---- Parameters & Constants ----

$ **** Allowing 0 here for testing purposes only
given initGrid : matrix indexed by[int(1..gridHeight), int(1..gridWidth)] of int(0..)
letting GRIDCOLS be domain int(1..gridWidth)
letting GRIDROWS be domain int(1..gridHeight)
letting NOBLOCKS be gridWidth * gridHeight
letting COLOURS be domain int(1..max(flatten(initGrid)))
letting EMPTY be 0
letting EMPTYANDCOLOURS be domain int(EMPTY) union COLOURS

given goalBlocksRemaining : int(0..NOBLOCKS)

given noSteps : int(1..)
letting STEPSFROM1 be domain int(1..noSteps)
letting STEPSFROM0 be domain int(0..noSteps)

$ ---- Decision Variables ----
$ NB Actual game sometimes restricted firing positions.
find fpRow : matrix indexed by[STEPSFROM1] of int(0..gridHeight)
find fpCol : matrix indexed by[STEPSFROM1] of int(0..gridWidth)
find grid : matrix indexed by[STEPSFROM0, GRIDROWS, GRIDCOLS]
                             of EMPTYANDCOLOURS 
find hand : matrix indexed by[STEPSFROM0] of COLOURS

$ ---- Constraints -------------------------------------------------------------
such that

$ ---- Initial & Goal States ----------------------------
$ Initial state:
forAll gCol : GRIDCOLS .
  forAll gRow : GRIDROWS .
    grid[0, gRow, gCol] = initGrid[gRow, gCol],

$ Goal state:
        [NOBLOCKS - goalBlocksRemaining],
$ ---- End of Initial & Goal States ---------------------

$ ---- Constrain Actions --------------------------------
$ Each move must do something useful:
$ Careful: if not counting 0s then it will try and insert phantom colours.
forAll step : STEPSFROM1 .
   sum(flatten(grid[step-1,..,..])) > sum(flatten(grid[step,..,..])),

$ Exactly one fp axis must be 0. (exclusive OR, only ONE fired angle)
forAll step : STEPSFROM1 .
   (fpRow[step] * fpCol[step]) = 0 /\ (fpRow[step] + fpCol[step]) > 0
$ ---- End of Constrain Actions -------------------------

$ Column Shot
forAll step : STEPSFROM1 .
  (fpCol[step] > 0)
  $ All other columns are untouched.
  (forAll col : GRIDCOLS .
   (col != fpCol[step]) ->
   (forAll row : GRIDROWS . grid[step,row,col] = grid[step-1,row,col])
  ) /\
  $ Must exist a row where grid[step-1,row,fpCol[step]] = hand.
  (exists row : GRIDROWS .
   (grid[step-1,row,fpCol[step]] = hand[step-1]) /\
   $ Everything above is empty or same colour as the hand.
   (forAll above : int(1..row-1) .
     grid[step-1,above,fpCol[step]] = EMPTY \/
     grid[step-1,above,fpCol[step]] = hand[step-1]) /\
   $ Effect is to make everything down to this row empty
   (forAll clear : int(1..row) . grid[step,clear,fpCol[step]] = EMPTY) /\
   ($ Either this is bottom in which case hand remains same.
    (row = gridHeight) /\ (hand[step] = hand[step-1])
    $ Or the next row down is of a different colour, swaps with hand.
    (grid[step-1,row+1,fpCol[step]] != hand[step-1] /\
     grid[step,row+1,fpCol[step]] = hand[step-1] /\
     hand[step] = grid[step-1,row+1,fpCol[step]] /\
     forAll below : int(row+2..gridHeight) .
       grid[step,below,fpCol[step]] = grid[step-1,below,fpCol[step]])

$ Row Shot
$ We identify the column that is *different* from the hand, if one exists. This
$ separates us from wall fall and saves us from worrying about gaps after the
$ last consumed block.
forAll step : STEPSFROM1 .
  (fpRow[step] > 0)
  (exists col : GRIDCOLS .
   $ Preconditions: a col with a block different from hand, to the left
   $ all empty/hand colour, but there must exist a block of hand colour.
     (grid[step-1,fpRow[step],col] != hand[step-1]) /\
     (forAll left : int(1..col-1) .
        grid[step-1,fpRow[step],left] = EMPTY \/
        grid[step-1,fpRow[step],left] = hand[step-1]) /\
     (exists left : int(1..col-1) .
        grid[step-1,fpRow[step],left] = hand[step-1])
   $ Effects:
   ($ left: Blocks falling, staying fixed.
    $ NB If nothing above then replacing with up still works: it is EMPTY
    $    So split is on fpRow[step] > 1. Irrespective, below is fixed.
    (forAll left : int(1..col-1) .
       $ Everything below is fixed
       (forall below : GRIDROWS .
          (below > fpRow[step]) ->
          (grid[step,below,left] = grid[step-1,below,left])
       ) /\
       $ Top row guaranteed to be empty.
       (grid[step,1,left] = EMPTY) /\
       $ Otherwise fall from above.
       ((fpRow[step] > 1) ->
        (forAll above : int(2..gridHeight) .
           above <= fpRow[step] ->
           grid[step,above,left] = grid[step-1,above-1,left]
    ) /\
    $ this col: all fixed apart from fprow, which exchanges with the hand
    (hand[step] = grid[step-1, fpRow[step], col]) /\
    (grid[step, fpRow[step], col] = hand[step-1]) /\
    (forAll colBlock : GRIDROWS .
       (colBlock != fpRow[step]) ->
       (grid[step,colBlock,col] = grid[step-1,colBlock,col])
    ) /\
    $ right: all fixed
    (forAll right : int(col+1..gridWidth) .
       forAll colBlock : GRIDROWS .
         grid[step,colBlock,right] = grid[step-1,colBlock,right]


  $ Wall and fall shot, case 1: no block of colour != hand
    $ Preconditions:
      $ This row is a mix of hand and empty.
      (forAll col : GRIDCOLS .
        (grid[step-1,fpRow[step], col] = EMPTY) \/
        (grid[step-1,fpRow[step], col] = hand[step-1])
      ) /\
      $ last col from next row down is a mix of hand and empty.
      (forAll row : GRIDROWS .
         (row > fpRow[step])
         ((grid[step-1,row,gridWidth] = EMPTY) \/
          (grid[step-1,row,gridWidth] = hand[step-1]))
      ) /\
      $ But there must be a hand-coloured block somewhere
      ((exists col : GRIDCOLS . grid[step-1,fpRow[step],col] = hand[step-1])
       (exists row : GRIDROWS .
          (row > fpRow[step]) /\
          (grid[step-1,row,gridWidth] = hand[step-1])
    $ Effects
      $ hand is unchanged.
      (hand[step] = hand[step-1]) /\
      $ left: Blocks falling, staying fixed.
      $ NB If nothing above then replacing with up still works: it is EMPTY
      $    So split is on fpRow[step] > 1. Irrespective, below is fixed.
      (forAll left : int(1..gridWidth-1) .
         $ Everything below is fixed
         (forall below : GRIDROWS .
            (below > fpRow[step]) ->
            (grid[step,below,left] = grid[step-1,below,left])
         ) /\
         $ Top row guaranteed to be empty.
         (grid[step,1,left] = EMPTY) /\
         $ Otherwise fall from above.
         ((fpRow[step] > 1) ->
          (forAll above : int(2..gridHeight) .
             above <= fpRow[step] ->
             grid[step,above,left] = grid[step-1,above-1,left]
      ) /\
      $ Last column. Everything remaining falls gridHeight - fpRow[step] + 1
        $ Move the fallen material
        (forAll row : GRIDROWS .
          row > gridHeight - fpRow[step] + 1
          grid[step,row,gridWidth] = grid[step-1,row-(gridHeight - fpRow[step] + 1),gridWidth]
        ) /\
        $ Everything above the fallen material is empty.
        (forAll row : GRIDROWS .
          row <= gridHeight - fpRow[step] + 1
          grid[step,row,gridWidth] = EMPTY)


  $ Wall and fall shot, case 2: a block of colour != hand in the final col
  (exists row : GRIDROWS .
   $ Preconditions:
   ( $ block different from hand in final col, below fpRow.
     (row > fpRow[step]) /\
     (grid[step-1,row,gridWidth] != hand[step-1]) /\
     $ fpRow is all hand/empty as is final col from fpRow to row above this.
     (forAll col : GRIDCOLS .
        (grid[step-1,fpRow[step],col] = hand[step-1]) \/
        (grid[step-1,fpRow[step],col] = EMPTY)
     ) /\
     (forAll row2 : int(1..row-1) .
        row2 > fpRow[step] ->
        ((grid[step-1,row2,gridWidth] = hand[step-1]) \/
         (grid[step-1,row2,gridWidth] = EMPTY))
     ) /\
     $ But there must exist a block of hand colour somewhere
     ((exists col : GRIDCOLS .
         grid[step-1,fpRow[step],col] = hand[step-1]) \/
      (exists row2 : int(1..row-1).
         row2 > fpRow[step] /\
         grid[step-1,row2,gridWidth] = hand[step-1]))
   $ Effects:
   ( $ hand exchanges with the block identified in final col.
     (hand[step] = grid[step-1,row,gridWidth]) /\
     (grid[step,row,gridWidth] = hand[step-1]) /\
     $ Everything below in the final column is fixed.
     (forAll below : int(row+1..gridHeight) .
        grid[step,below,gridWidth] = grid[step-1,below,gridWidth]
     ) /\
     $ Blocks above block identified in the final col fall (row - fpRow) cells.
     ($ Which means the top row - fpRow cells must be empty:
      (forAll row2 : GRIDROWS .
         row2 <= row - fpRow[step]
         grid[step,row2,gridWidth] = EMPTY) /\
      $ And the cells from there down to one above the identified block are
      $ determined by what was row-fpRow[step] above them at the previous step.
      (forAll row2 : GRIDROWS .
         (row2 > row - fpRow[step]) /\ (row2 < row)
         grid[step,row2,gridWidth] =
         grid[step-1,row2 - (row -fpRow[step]),gridWidth]
     ) /\
     $ Everything left falls or stays fixed.
     (forAll left : int(1..gridWidth-1) .
        $ Everything below is fixed
        (forall below : GRIDROWS .
           (below > fpRow[step]) ->
           (grid[step,below,left] = grid[step-1,below,left])
        ) /\
        $ Top row guaranteed to be empty.
        (grid[step,1,left] = EMPTY) /\
        $ Otherwise fall from above.
        ((fpRow[step] > 1) ->
         (forAll above : int(2..gridHeight) .
            above <= fpRow[step] ->
            grid[step,above,left] = grid[step-1,above-1,left]

