PyCSP3 Model (see

  python -data=[4,10]

from pycsp3 import *

n, s = data or (4, 3)
domain = range(s, s + 3 * n * n - 3 * n + 1)
assert sum(domain) % (2 * n - 1) == 0, "No magic hexagon for order=" + str(n) + " and start=" + str(s)
magic = sum(domain) // (2 * n - 1)
d = n + n - 1  # longest diameter

def scope(i, right):
    v1 = max(0, d // 2 - i) if right else max(0, i - d // 2)
    v2 = d // 2 - v1
    return [x[j + v1][i - max(0, v2 - j if right else j - v2)] for j in range(d - abs(d // 2 - i))]

# x represents the hexagon; on row x[i], only the first n - |n/2 - i| cells are useful (here, n = 'd').
x = VarArray(size=[d, d], dom=lambda i, j: domain if j < d - abs(d // 2 - i) else None)


    # all rows sum to the magic value
    [Sum(x[i]) == magic for i in range(d)],

    # all right-sloping diagonals sum to the magic value
    [Sum(scope(i, True)) == magic for i in range(d)],

    # all left-sloping diagonals sum to the magic value
    [Sum(scope(i, False)) == magic for i in range(d)],

    # tag(symmetry-breaking)
        x[0][0] < x[0][n - 1],
        x[0][0] < x[n - 1][d - 1],
        x[0][0] < x[d - 1][n - 1],
        x[0][0] < x[d - 1][0],
        x[0][0] < x[n - 1][0],
        x[0][n - 1] < x[n - 1][0]