File Problem Notes
carSequencing.eprime 001: Car Sequencing
all_interval.eprime 007: All-Interval Series
traffic_lights.eprime 016: Traffic Lights
set_partition.eprime 049: Number Partitioning
k4p2.eprime 053: Graceful Graphs
nqueens.eprime 054: N-Queens
killer_sudoku.eprime 057: Killer Sudoku
partialqueens-comm.eprime 079: n-Queens Completion Problem and Excluded Diagonals n-Queens Problem
partialqueens-diags-strong.eprime 079: n-Queens Completion Problem and Excluded Diagonals n-Queens Problem
blockedqueens-comm.eprime 080: Blocked n-Queens Problem
blockedqueens-strong.eprime 080: Blocked n-Queens Problem
blackHoleTable.eprime 081: Black Hole
blackHoleSimple.eprime 081: Black Hole
shelves_csp.eprime 085: Bookshelves
shelves_cop.eprime 085: Bookshelves
plotting_sa_nosymm.eprime 088: Plotting

State and action based model, with no extra constraints.

plotting_sa_symm.eprime 088: Plotting

State and action based model, with extra constraints.

plotting_s_symm.eprime 088: Plotting

State-based model, with extra constraints.

plotting_s_nosymm.eprime 088: Plotting

State-based model, with no extra constraints.